Friday, April 1

Ebook Melepas Jerat Rokok

Ebook Web Programming with PHP is very suitable mate read by beginners who want to explore the world of web programming or webmaster handal.Bahasa be used by the author of this ebook is quite easy to understand.
Let my friend could know what diebook discussed this, I wrote a list of the contents of the ebook this here.

Table of Contents 

I. Introduction to Web Server and Server Side Scripting 
1. Web Server
2. Server Side Scripting
3. Installing XAMPP on the Browser Test

II. PHP Basic Structure
1. Prior Learning PHP
2. Let's Know Your PHP
3. Say Hello to the PHP
4. Variables
5. Data Type
6. Constant
7. Operators in PHP
8. Feedback Programme

III. Structures Condition and Repetition
1. Structure Condition
2. The loop structure
3. Structural Break and Continue

IV. Handling Form
1. Various Handling How to Form
2. Form Input Type TEXT and PASSWORD
3. Form Input Type RADIO
4. Form Input Type CHECK BOX
5. Form Input Type COMBO BOX
6. Form Input Type TEXTAREA

V. Arrays and Functions
1. Introduction to Array
2. Array functions in PHP
3. Function in PHP

VI. Handling Strings and Date
1. Introduction to String
2. String functions in PHP
3. Date Operations functions in PHP

VII. Files and Directories
1. Handling Files
2. Creating and Deleting Directories
3. File Manipulation
4. Upload File

VIII. Session and Cookies
1. Session
2. Cookies

IX. Object Oriented Programming in PHP
1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
2. Object and Class
3. Properties and Method
4. Defining a Class
5. Utilizing the Available Class

X. Introduction to DBMS and MySQL
1. About the Database, DBMS and RDBMS
2. About MySQL
3. Installing MySQL on Windows
4. Connection to MySQL Server with MySQL Client
5. Various Client for MySQL Administration MySQL Server

XI. Introduction to Structured Query Language
1. What is SQL?
2. Creating, Changing and Deleting Table
3. Adding Records with INSERT
4. Editing Records with UPDATE
5. Deleting Records with DELETE

XII. News Applications with PHP and MySQL
1. Designing the Database Structure
2. Creating a Database Connection File
3. Creating a Page Input News
4. Featured Latest News at Home
5. Create a News Archive page
6. Make Home Edit News
7. Create Page Delete News
8. CSS as a sweetener Display

To download, please click [DOWNLOAD NOW] 
Ebook Authors: Achmad Solichin, S. Kom

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